49 research outputs found

    Emblematica Online: Emblem Digitization, The German Emblem Database, and The OpenEmblem Portal

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    This proposal requests funding to present emblem books in a digital environment and to develop a portal for a key genre of Renaissance texts and images. Emblematica Online will fulfill its goals through its three constituent activities: 1) Emblem Digitization: the complete digitization of two premiere emblem collections of world-wide prominence; 2) The German Emblem Databases: the creation of extensive metadata with broad functionality for the German emblems of both institutions in mirror websites; and 3) The OpenEmblem Portal: the development of the portal as an open access research site incorporating book-level metadata from emblem digitization projects worldwide and emblem-level metadata from Illinois and the Herzog August Bibliothek (HAB). The OpenEmblem Portal hosted at Illinois will have a mirror portal at the HAB

    „Von Alexandria lernen“. Die Forschungsbibliothek als Ort digitaler Philologie.

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    Konzepte zur Bereitstellung digitalisierter frĂŒhneuzeitlicher Quellen

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    Bei Projekten zur Digitalisierung in Geisteswissenschaften ist heute die Realisierung grĂ¶ĂŸerer, ĂŒberregionaler und ĂŒber das World Wide Web abfragbarer Lösungen erforderlich. Die BeitrĂ€ge dieses Bandes wurden auf der Tagung des Staatsarchivs Hamburg und des Zentrums "Geisteswissenschaften in der digitalen Welt" an der UniversitĂ€t Hamburg am 10. und 11. April 2006 gehalten. Sie leisten einen interdisziplinĂ€ren Beitrag zur erforderlichen Standardisierung dieser Angebote, die erst den dringend notwendigen Austausch erleichtern und die gemeinsame Nutzung strukturierter Daten ermöglichen kann.Today, digitization projects in the Humanities require the implementation of larger, supraregional solutions. The contributions in this volume were presented at the conference of the Hamburg State Archives and the Center for the Humanities in the Digital World at the University of Hamburg on April 10 and 11, 2006. They make an interdisciplinary contribution to the required standardisation of corresponding services which can only facilitate the urgently needed exchange of information and make it possible to share structured data

    Competition age: does it matter for swimmers?

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    Objective: To establish reference data on required competition age regarding performance levels for both sexes, all swimming strokes, and race distances and to determine the effect of competition age on swimming performance in the context of other common age metrics. In total, 36,687,573 race times of 588,938 swimmers (age 14.2 ± 6.3 years) were analyzed. FINA (FĂ©dĂ©ration Internationale de Natation) points were calculated to compare race times between swimming strokes and race distances. The sum of all years of race participation determined competition age. Results: Across all events, swimmers reach top-elite level, i.e. > 900 FINA points, after approximately 8 years of competition participation. Multiple-linear regression analysis explained up to 40% of variance in the performance level and competition age showed a stable effect on all race distances for both sexes (ÎČ = 0.19 to 0.33). Increased race distance from 50 to 1500 m, decreased effects of chronological age (ÎČ = 0.48 to - 0.13) and increased relative age effects (ÎČ = 0.02 to 0.11). Reference data from the present study should be used to establish guidelines and set realistic goals for years of competition participation required to reach certain performance levels. Future studies need to analyze effects of transitions between various swimming strokes and race distances on peak performance

    â€șA digital edition is not visibleâ€č – some thoughts on the nature and persistence of digital editions

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    After a period of experimentation and prototyping, digital editions are considered a common standard and a serious, quite often even a better alternative to printed editions. In addition the TEI/XML provides a well introduced standard for mark-up of all relevant structural and semantic elements of an edition. In spite of this process of consolidation the digital edition is still accompanied by harsh critique, particularly by objecting that mark-up leaning on XML fosters a text model of an Ordered Hierarchy of Content Objects (OHCO) that does not fit all editorial problems and limits the flexibility of the editor. As a consequence many attempts have been undertaken to overcome these limits of XML, but up to now without much success. By narrowing down the perspective, however, to problems of the text model seemingly caused by XML it was often overlooked that a digital edition consists of more than a XML file. This contribution attempts to show that the critique can be dissolved when the edition is viewed not merely as a XML file, but as an ensemble of its components. In doing so it can also be shown that other than its critiques maintain a digital edition is not less stable or persistent than its printed predecessor. The seeming fluidity of digital edition disappears if it is no longer determined by its visible surface, but according to its algorithmic nature by the interplay of its components of text, structure, layout, interface and metadata

    Konversion des kulturellen Erbes fĂŒr die Forschung: Volltextbeschaffung und -bereitstellung als Aufgabe der Bibliotheken

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    Mit der Transformation des gedruckten Buch zum elektronischen Text verĂ€ndern sich zentrale Rahmenbedingungen der Bibliothek. Die theoretischen Grundlagen des ‚Buches‘ mĂŒssen unter dem Gesichtspunkt des Digitalen neu durchdacht und auf ihre praktischen Konsequenzen hin geprĂŒft werden. Vor allem die TransitivitĂ€t, spezifische Schriftlichkeit und Prozessierbarkeit elektronischer Texte sind Eigenschaften, die Konsequenzen fĂŒr eine ganze Reihe bibliothekarischer Kernaufgaben haben. Mit Blick auf das kulturelle Erbe, das in Bibliotheken verwahrt wird, stellt sich die Aufgabe, auf diesen Paradigmenwechsel angemessen zu reagieren und Sorge dafĂŒr zu tragen, dass das schriftliche und gedruckte Kulturgut auch in einer adĂ€quaten maschinenlesbaren Form zur VerfĂŒgung steht. Nach gut 10 Jahren erfolgreicher Imagedigitalisierung muss daher jetzt, nach der Entwicklung entsprechender Techniken der nĂ€chste Schritt zur Herstellung, Aufbereitung und Bereitstellung von Volltext getan werden, um neuen, sich aus der digitalen Wende ergebenden Forschungsanforderungen und Forschungsfragen, die sich mit Begriffen wie Stilometrie, Clusteranalyse, Topic Modeling etc. verbinden, zu genĂŒgen. Den Bibliotheken wĂ€chst vor diesem Hintergrund in der Transformation des schriftlichen Kulturgutes und Bereitstellung von Volltexten eine neue Aufgabe zu. Sie können darin einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Aufbau einer Infrastruktur fĂŒr eine digital arbeitende Geistes- und Kultwissenschaft bzw. die Digital Humanities leisten.The transformation of the book into an electronic text has led to constitutive changes in the functional frameworks of the library. Basic concepts of the notion of the ‘book’ have to be reconsidered and to be evaluated in view of the practical consequences. Above all, the transitivity of such texts, the specific mode of writing employed, and their ability to be processed are aspects that have considerable impact on several core tasks of the library. In view of the cultural heritage that is preserved in libraries this paradigmatic shift requires an appropriate response, and libraries have the task of converting artifacts of written and printed cultural heritage into machine-readable form and to provide access to it. After ten years of successful image digitization and the development of suitable techniques, the aim is now to produce, enhance and provide access to full text in order to fulfill new research requirements and deal with the issues involved. This involves methods such as stylometry, cluster analysis or topic modeling. In taking on these new tasks libraries can make an important contribution to building up a research infrastructure for the digital humanities

    Neue Entwicklungen im wissenschaftlichen Publikationswesen, oder warum brauchen geisteswissenschaftliche Bibliotheken Open Access?

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    Open Access in der ganzen Bandbreite der Nutzung von Quellen und Literatur umzusetzen und zu fördern, wird ein Merkmal sein, an dem sich die ZukunftsfÀhigkeit einer wissenschaftlichen Bibliothek messen lassen wird